Municipal Stormwater

Skimmer Basin recently installed and provided with rolled erosion control product
Stormwater device under construction

Wake County is now administering the Stormwater Ordinance recently adopted by the towns of Rolesville, Wendell and Zebulon that focuses on water quality and flooding. Each municipality has included these regulations in its respective Unified Development Ordinance. The Stormwater Ordinance is a result of recommendations made by the Wake County Stormwater Task Force and approved by the Board of Commissioners in 2007.

Municipal Stormwater – Rolesville, Wendell and Zebulon

Town of Rolesville Submittal Requirements

​Stormwater Process

The Town of Rolesville’s Stormwater Process comprises the following: Presubmittal Meeting, Initial Submission, Technical Review Committee, Construction Plan Review, Plan Approval, Preconstruction Meeting, Permit Issuance, Permit Completion and Post-Construction Maintenance. In addition, Wake County administers the Town’s erosion and sediment control and stormwater regulations including related plan review and permit issuance.

Prior to initiating a stormwater application, the applicant should be familiar with the Rolesville Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.5 Stormwater Management Standards. All applicants must adhere to the Town of Rolesville’s Review Procedures Policy in addition to the following submittal requirements:

I. Presubmittal Meeting

All development proposals have the option of scheduling a presubmittal meeting with the Town of Rolesville before any plan submittal process is initiated. Wake County staff will provide guidance on E&SC and stormwater submittals and site plan design guidance, in coordination with the Town of Rolesville. Applicants should call 919-554-6517 to schedule a meeting with the Town of Rolesville. See Town of Rolesville’s Review Procedures Policy for any associated fees. Applicants should also email Environmental Consultant Jeevan Neupane ( prior to this meeting and provide the following information:

  • Project Name
  • Contact Information
  • PIN Number
  • Approximate Disturbed Acreage (if available)
  • Summary of proposed development
  • Sketch plan (if available)

II. Initial Submission

Applicant must provide a preliminary plan to be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC), and all plans should be submitted to the Town of Rolesville for distribution. See Town of Rolesville’s Review Procedures Policy for fees, submittal requirements and TRC and Planning Board schedules. The Preliminary Plan submittal for stormwater should include the following:

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (Site Data Sheet, DA Sheets, Site Summary, and any other sheets available)
  • Wake County Municipal Stormwater Submittal Checklist (Preliminary Plan portion)
  • Wake County Municipal Standards Checklist
  • Site Plan
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad Map and Wake County Soil Survey map with delineated project limits
  • Any additional calculations available

Wake County will provide review comments or plan approval directly to the Town of Rolesville for distribution prior to TRC. Applicant should adhere to the fee schedule for all resubmittals.

III. Construction Plan Review

Following the TRC process, development and redevelopment with greater than 20,000 square feet of disturbance are required to obtain a Stormwater Permit through Wake County. Development with greater than 1 acre will have to obtain a Land Disturbance Permit through Wake County in addition to the Stormwater Permit. The applicant shall submit the following to Wake County through the Permit Portal for stormwater construction plan review:

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Erosion Control and Stormwater Joint Application
  • Wake County Municipal Stormwater Submittal Checklist (Preliminary Plan and Construction Plan portion)
  • Wake County Municipal Standards Checklist
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (All sheets)
  • complete set of construction drawings
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad map and Wake County Soil Survey with delineated project limits
  • All supporting calculation documentation

Wake County will provide review comments or plan approval directly to the applicant. Applicant should adhere to the fee schedule for all resubmittals. Resubmittals shall be submitted through the Permit Portal – locate your permit, go to attachments and then add new attachments; the system will notify the reviewer, but feel free to email your reviewer directly when you upload revisions (DO NOT CREATE A NEW PERMIT!)

IV. Preconstruction Meeting

Following approval of construction drawings by Wake County and the Town of Rolesville, a pre-construction meeting must be scheduled prior to any land disturbance. Applicant should contact Jeevan Neupane at 919-819-8907 to schedule this meeting with Wake County. At this time, applicants will obtain the Stormwater Permit as well as a Land Disturbance Permit (if applicable). Additionally, applicant shall receive two copies of the approved stormwater and/or erosion control plan.

Prior to the preconstruction meeting:

  1. Pay permit fees through the Permit Portal
  2. Upload the Certificate of Coverage for the NCG01 to the Permit Portal

Applicant should bring the following to the pre-construction meeting:

  • Site contractor(s)
  • Financially responsible party
  • Engineer (if requested)

A pre-construction meeting will also be required with the Town of Rolesville prior to construction. Applicant should call 919-554-6517 to set up a meeting with Town of Rolesville.

V. Conditions of Approval

The following conditions of approval (as noted on construction plan stormwater approval letter) shall be provided to Wake County for review prior recordation of the final plat:

  • Obtain erosion control compliance from Wake County
  • Stormwater Agreement
  • Operation & Maintenance Plan
  • Engineer’s Certification
  • As-built Survey
  • Covenants
  • Performance Guarantee (if the stormwater measures are incomplete)

See Town’s Review Procedures Policy for additional information regarding as-built drawings, final plat approval and final plat recordation.

Town of Wendell Submittal Requirements

Stormwater Process

The Stormwater Process in the Town of Wendell consists of the following: Presubmittal Meeting, Sketch Plan Submittal, Preliminary Plan Review, Technical Review Committee, Construction Plan Review, Plan Approval, Preconstruction Meeting, Permit Issuance, Permit Completion and Post-Construction Maintenance. In addition, Wake County administers the Town’s erosion and sediment control and stormwater regulations including related plan review and permit issuance.

Prior to initiating a stormwater application, the applicant should be familiar with The Wendell Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 6 Environmental Protection. All applicants must adhere to the Town of Wendell's Residential Development Application and Commercial Residential Application in addition to the following submittal requirements:

I. Presubmittal Meeting

All development proposals are required to schedule a presubmittal meeting with the Town of Wendell before any plan submittal process is initiated. Wake County staff will provide guidance on E&SC and stormwater submittals and site plan design guidance, in coordination with the Town of Wendell. Applicants should call 919-365-4448 to schedule a meeting with the Town of Wendell. Applicants should also email Environmental Consultant Karyn Pageau ( prior to this meeting and provide the following information:

  • Project Name
  • Contact Information
  • PIN Number
  • Approximate Disturbed Acreage (if available)
  • Summary
  • Sketch Plan (if available)

II. Sketch Plan Submittal

A sketch plan will be required for all development proposals following the presubmittal meeting. See the Town’s Review Procedures Policy for fees and submittal requirements.

III. Master Plan/Preliminary Plan Review

After the presubmittal meeting and sketch plan review, the applicant must provide a master/preliminary plan. The submission will be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and all plans should be submitted to the Town of Wendell for distribution. See Town of Wendell’s Review Procedures Policy for fees and submittal requirements. The Preliminary Plan submittal for stormwater should include the following:

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (Site Data Sheet, DA Sheets, Site Summary, and any other sheets available)
  • Municipal TRC Submittal Checklist
  • Site Plan
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad Map and Wake County Soil Survey map with delineated project limits
  • Any additional calculations available

IV. Construction Plan Review

Following the TRC Review process, development and redevelopment with greater than 20,000 square feet of disturbance are required to obtain a Stormwater Permit through Wake County. Development with greater than 1 acre will have to obtain a Land Disturbance Permit through Wake County. The applicant shall submit the following to Wake County through the Permit Portal for stormwater construction plan review (pdf documents preferred):

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Erosion Control and Stormwater Joint Application
  • Municipal CD Submittal Checklist
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (All sheets)
  • Construction drawings
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad map and Wake County Soil Survey with delineated project limits
  • All supporting calculation documentation
  • Erosion Control requirements

Wake County will provide review comments or plan approval directly to the applicant. Applicant should adhere to the fee schedule for all resubmittals. Resubmittals shall be submitted through the Permit Portal – locate your permit, go to attachments and then add new attachments; the system will notify the reviewer but feel free to email your reviewer directly when you upload revisions (DO NOT CREATE A NEW PERMIT!)

V. Preconstruction Meeting

Following approval of construction drawings by Wake County and the Town of Wendell, a pre-construction meeting must be scheduled prior to any land disturbance. A preconstruction meeting will also be required with the Town of Wendell prior to construction. Applicant should call 919-365-4448 to set up a meeting with Town of Wendell. Applicant should contact Karyn Pageau at 919-796-8769 to schedule this meeting with Wake County. At this time, applicants will obtain the Stormwater Permit as well as a Land Disturbance Permit (if applicable). Additionally, applicant shall receive two copies of the approved stormwater and/or erosion control plan. Applicant should bring the following to the preconstruction meeting:to schedule this meeting with Wake County. At this time, applicants will obtain the Stormwater Permit as well as a Land Disturbance Permit (if applicable). Additionally, applicant shall receive two copies of the approved stormwater and/or erosion control plan.

Prior to the preconstruction meeting:

  1. Pay permit fees through the Permit Portal
  2. Upload the Certificate of Coverage for the NCG01 to the Permit Portal

Applicant should bring the following to the preconstruction meeting:

  • Site contractor(s)
  • Financially responsible party
  • Engineer (if requested)

VI. Conditions of Approval

The following conditions of approval (as noted on construction plan stormwater approval letter) shall be provided to Wake County for review prior recordation of the final plat; Stormwater Agreement, Operation & Maintenance Plan, Engineer’s Certification, As-built Survey, Covenants, Performance Guarantee (if the stormwater measures are incomplete), etc.

Prior to plat approval – Obtain erosion control compliance from Wake County.

See Town’s Review Procedures Policy for additional information regarding as built drawings, final plat approval, and final plat recordation.

Town of Zebulon Submittal Requirements

Stormwater Process

The Stormwater Process in the Town of Zebulon consists of the following: Preliminary Discussion, Initial Submission, Technical Review Committee, Construction Plan Review, Plan Approval, Permit Issuance, Permit Issuance, Permit Completion and Post-Construction Maintenance. In addition, Wake County administers the Town’s erosion and sediment control and stormwater regulations, including related plan review and permit issuance.

Prior to initiating a stormwater application, the applicant should be familiar with Town of Zebulon Code of Ordinances, Chapter 152. All applicants must adhere to the Town of Zebulon's Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan in addition to the following submittal requirements:

I. Preliminary Discussion

All development proposals have the option of scheduling a presubmittal meeting with the Town of Zebulon before any plan submittal process is initiated. Wake County staff will provide guidance on E&SC and stormwater submittals and site plan design guidance, in coordination with the Town of Zebulon. Applicants should call 919-269-7455 to schedule a meeting with the Town of Zebulon. See Town of Zebulon's fee schedule for any associated fees. Applicants should also email Environmental Consultant, Betsy Pearce ( prior to this meeting and provide the following information:

  • Project Name
  • Contact Information
  • PIN Number
  • Approximate Disturbed Acreage (if available)
  • Summary of proposed development
  • Sketch Plan (if available)

II. Initial Submission

Applicant must provide a site plan to be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and all plans should be submitted to the Town of Zebulon for distribution. See Town of Zebulon Code of Ordinances, Chapter 152. The site plan submittal for stormwater should include the following:

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (Site Data Sheet, DA Sheets, Site Summary and any other sheets available)
  • Municipal TRC Submittal Checklist
  • Site Plan
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad Map and Wake County Soil Survey map with delineated project limits
  • Any additional calculations available

Wake County will provide review comments or plan approval directly to the Town of Zebulon for distribution prior to TRC. Applicant should adhere to the fee schedule for all resubmittals.

IV. Construction Plan Review

Following the TRC Review process, development and redevelopment with greater than 20,000 square feet of disturbance are required to obtain a Stormwater Permit through Wake County. Development with greater than 1 acre will have to obtain a Land Disturbance Permit through Wake County. The applicant shall submit the following to Wake County through the Permit Portal for stormwater construction plan review:

  • Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission
  • Applicable fees
  • Municipal CD Submittal Checklist
  • Municipal Stormwater Design Tool (All sheets)
  • 1 complete set of construction drawings
  • Drainage Area Map
  • Copy of USGS Quad map and Wake County Soil Survey with delineated project limits
  • All supporting calculation documentation
  • Erosion Control requirements

Resubmittals shall be submitted through the Permit Portal – locate your permit, go to attachments and then add new attachments; the system will notify the reviewer, but feel free to email your reviewer directly when you upload revisions (DO NOT CREATE A NEW PERMIT!); the first resubmittal is free.

V. Permit Issuance

Following approval of construction drawings by Wake County and the Town of Zebulon, a pre-construction meeting with Wake County must be scheduled prior to any land disturbance. Applicant should contact Environmental Consultant, Betsy Pearce at 919-868-6414 to schedule this meeting with Wake County. At this time, applicants will obtain the Stormwater Permit as well as a Land Disturbance Permit (if applicable). Additionally, applicant shall receive two copies of the approved stormwater and/or erosion control plan.

Prior to the preconstruction meeting:

  1. Pay permit fees through the Permit Portal
  2. Upload the Certificate of Coverage for the NCG01 to the Permit Portal

Applicant should bring the following to the preconstruction meeting:

  • Site contractor(s)
  • Financially responsible party
  • Engineer (if requested)

VI. Conditions of Approval

The following conditions of approval (as noted on construction plan stormwater approval letter) shall be provided to Wake County for review prior recordation of the final plat; Stormwater Agreement, Operation & Maintenance Plan, Engineer’s Certification, Asbuilt Survey, Covenants, Performance Guarantee (if the stormwater measures are incomplete), etc. See Town’s Town of Zebulon Code of Ordinances, Chapter 152 for additional information regarding as built drawings, final plat approval, and final plat recordation.

Prior to obtaining plat approval – Obtain erosion control compliance from Wake County.

Stormwater Ordinance main features include but are not limited to:

  1. Downstream Impact Analysis – Performed to determine if the project will have any impacts on flooding or channel degradation downstream of the project site.
  2. Flood Protection Zone – No new development or redevelopment allowed in the 100-year floodplain, except for utility purposes or stream bank restoration.
  3. Buffer Zone – No new development or redevelopment allowed in the 50 feet on either side of perennial or intermittent waters, except for utility purposes or stream bank restoration.
  4. Volume management
            a. Target runoff volume for ultra low- and low-density development
            b. BMPs controlling the first 1” of runoff for high density development
  5. Peak flow management – No net increase in the peak flow for the 1-year, 24-hour storm.
  6. Incentives for Low Impact Development – Nitrogen buy-down

Wake County's administration of the municipalities' Stormwater Ordinance will entail: plan review (fee collected), permit issuance (fee collected), construction inspections, enforcement, and post-construction maintenance inspections of stormwater management devices.

Use of the Wake County Municipal Stormwater Design Tool is required for all municipal stormwater (residential and nonresidential) submittals in the towns of Rolesville, Wendell and Zebulon. Engineers will input all data requested and follow provided links to view calculations used in the tool. Calculations for peak flow, runoff, time of concentration, etc., are for individual drainage areas. Engineer should complete a worksheet for each drainage area within a project's limits.

Wake County Municipal Stormwater Design Tool

In addition to administering the Stormwater Ordinance for the towns of Rolesville, Wendell and Zebulon, the County already regulates Sediment and Erosion Control for all three municipalities. The stormwater review and permitting process will adjoin the existing process used for Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Combining and coordinating the review of erosion and sedimentation control and stormwater will streamline the process by eliminating redundancies of separate reviews.