Transparency Portal

Wake County is dedicated to open and transparent access to county data, performance metrics, financial information, and other public information. We invite the public to review the data presented in user-friendly formats. The portal features:

Wake County Strategic Plan

Wake County adopted its first organization-wide strategic planning process in April 2024 to identify our top priorities through 2029. The plan outlines our vision for a thriving, resilient community and reflects our commitment to community collaboration and forward-thinking solutions. We invite you to explore the plan’s six focus areas and 24 goals.

View the Wake County Strategic Plan


2023 Board Goals & Key Strategic Actions

Summarizes the Board of Commissioners’ priority goals and key strategic actions for 2023. 

View the 2023 Board Goals & Key Strategic Actions

Performance Measures

Check-in as staff identifies key performance indicators and reports on services and operations. Measures are updated as information becomes available, typically on an annual, fiscal year, or quarterly basis. Measures shown monthly are updated at the end of each quarter.

View Performance Measures

County Demographics

Someone can learn a lot about a community based on the data collected about it. Explore key demographic estimates about Wake County from the United States Census Bureau and the State of North Carolina. Values are updated at least once a year.

View County Demographics

Wake Accountability Tax Check (WATCH)

A single point of reference to review how public tax dollars expenditures and other information related to financial stewardship and fiscal responsibility. Financial transactions are updated regularly for the current fiscal year (July-June).


Open Data Portal

This site provides high-quality geographic information and source data to help facilitate decision-making processes.

View Open Data Portal

Public Records Requests

Looking for something else? Use this site to requesting public records from the County subject to laws and policies of the federal government and State of North Carolina.

Make Public Records Requests

County Health Insurance Coverage

This link leads to machine-readable files made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.