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Wake County convenience centers process over 2,100 tons of mixed recycling each year. Over the last few years, contamination of mixed recycling has increased from an average of 4% contamination to 11.2% contamination.

In an effort to understand why contamination rates have increased and gather information about who is using the convenience centers, Wake County led a project and developed two pilot solutions to reduce contamination of mixed recycling at the convenience centers. Wake County conducted a series of interviews with Wake County residents who use the convenience centers. Residents were invited to interview sessions via Zoom between October 2022 and December 2022.

Residents were asked a series of questions about their experiences and perceptions using the convenience centers:
  • Who does and does not visit convenience centers and why?
  • How do residents want to engage with the Wake County Solid Waste Management Division?
  • How can Wake County improve the experience of residents and reduce recycling contamination at the convenience centers?

Two pilot solutions were developed as a result of these sessions. The first pilot focused on testing new signs for mixed recycling and cardboard recycling at Wake County Convenience Center 5. The second pilot tested using Wake County Solid Waste outreach staff to offer assistance to residents dropping off mixed recycling at Convenience Center 8. The pilots provided valuable insight into how residents interact with site attendants and signage at the Convenience Centers. The results of the pilots, focus groups and on-site surveys are summarized in a report. To receive an electronic copy of the Contamination Reduction Project Report, email


The Recycling 101 section is also part of our engagement efforts to better communicate what can and can’t be recycled. An online survey was available from October 16, 2023 through May 15, 2024. More than 180 people completed the survey. Respondents had the option to enter a random drawing to win a $50 gift card. Winners are being contacted and all gift cards will be distributed by June 30, 2024.