Crowder Historic & Natural Significance

Newspaper clip of Doris Crowder with child at playground at park opening

The history of Crowder Park can be traced back to 1914 with the birth of Doris Pierce Crowder. The late Mrs. Crowder donated the 33 acres of land that was used as the site for Crowder Park. Below is an outline of the major events leading up to the Crowder Park you can visit today.


Outline of Major Events

September 22, 1992

Doris Crowders stone dedication in Crowder Park

Mrs. Doris Pierce Crowder donates 33 acres of land to the county with the stipulation that it be used for public recreation.

Winter 1992

Old pictures of early park construction, including the construction of the pond

Wake County approves $1.9 million from the 1992 Parks Bond Referendum to build Crowder Park, in honor of Mrs. Crowder's generous donation. Nearly $250,000 is spent reconstructing Crowder Pond based on Mrs. Crowder's childhood memories of the area.

September 5, 1996

old pictures of uprooted tree damage from hurricane fran

In the wake of Hurricane Fran, almost 50% of the trees on park land are uprooted. Crowder Park sustained the worst damage from Fran in the county.

June 6, 1998

old picture from 1998 of first crowder park front entrance sign surrounded by flowers with park office in background

Crowder Park opens its gates. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is held, and Mrs. Crowder is the guest of honor.

Fall 2002

children and families patriciate in craft activities at event and take photos with frog mascot

Crowder Park reaches 7,000 citizens of all ages through environmental education and outreach programs.

Crowder Park Today

programmer and children observe tree together during nature hike

Crowder Park has been in operation since 1998. Since its opening, the park has served as a public recreation area and environmental education facility for more than 200,000 community members annually.

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