Cash & Medical Support Establishment

Both parents are responsible for the care of their minor child(ren).  Child Support Services is here to help you navigate the child support process.  Get information about program services and review frequently asked questions (FAQ). 

Child with colorful paint on their hands held in front of their face

North Carolina uses a standardized guideline to calculate the amount of money required to be paid by a parent to support their minor child(ren). The guidelines consider: 

  • The gross incomes of both parents; 
  • The needs of the child(ren);
  • What each parent contributes for the child; and 
  • Whether the parents have additional children or other child support orders. 

Child Support Services is committed to setting fair support orders. Child support orders are eligible for review every three years, or sooner, if there is a significant change in case circumstances. 


How Are Support Orders Established?

Voluntary Support Agreements (VSA)

A VSA is the most expeditious way to establish a child support order. Both parents must agree to pay the support amount calculated using the NC Child Support Guidelines. The VSA when signed by a judge and filed with the Clerk of Court; it is an enforceable court order. 

Judicial Methods

Parents who are uncomfortable or unwilling to agree with the terms and conditions of the VSA, can elect to have the court set the terms of their child support obligation. 

Support Orders include medical too

Every order of support must address the availability and cost of medical insurance coverage, the type of coverage(s) to be provided, and which parent is responsible for providing coverage. In some instances, parties may want an order for only medical.