Popular Planning Maps

Here you can view maps that have been created by Wake County Planning such as county zoning maps, land use classification maps, general classification maps and area land use plans. Also, you can view many of the maps created by the staff in their research projects. You can view municipal zoning maps and other maps by visiting the GIS maps page.

You will need to have Adobe Reader to view the maps. Choose a link below to begin viewing the maps. Note: Some of the maps are large files.

Zoning Classifications

Each zoning district or classification specifies permitted land uses and regulations controlling the intensity and design of development.

View the Zoning Classification Map

PLANWake Development Framework Map

The Development Framework Map identifies the future land use and character vision for all of Wake County. The intention of the development framework is to support municipal annexation and growth within Transit Focus, Walkable Center, Community, and Community Reserve areas. Rural and Water Supply Watershed areas are not intended for municipal scale growth during the next decade or beyond.

Interactive Development Framework Map

View the Development Framework Map

Area Plans

Area Plan Map Updated March 2024

Area plans separate the county into seven distinct areas and provide more localized planning with community input. The process of updating area plans to reflect PLANWake is ongoing. Where a new area plan has not yet been adopted, the old area plan remains in effect. You can view the new and legacy area plan maps below.

The interactive Land Use Classification Map below shows the boundaries of the smaller regional area where an area plan has been developed. 


Interactive Land Use Classification Map

New Area Plan Maps

As area plans are adopted, they are added to the PLANWake Comprehensive Plan as an appendix under Subsection 2. You can view the full plans here

Legacy Plan Maps

These plans were adopted in the 2000's. Over time, the area plans will be replaced through new public engagement processes and updated plans. The full plan documents can be found here.

Multi-Use Districts

This map shows all Wake County Multi-Use Districts (MUDs), formerly known as Activity Centers.

View the Multi-Use Districts Map

General Classifications

General Classifications maps define those areas intended and expected to be urbanized in the future. The maps reflect municipal corporate limits, Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, and Water Supply Watersheds. The PLANWake Development Framework indicates the timeline for when areas of the county are intended to become urbanized. The Municipal Transition Standards (MTS) Map indicates the areas where any potential development must first contact the closest municipality and consider annexation.

Permit Density

View the Permit Density Maps

These heat maps show the number of commercial and residential permits issued in Wake County in a calendar year. The maps do not depict density of development or number of units developed.

Project Maps

Here are various maps of interest produced by our office:

Water Supply Watershed Regulation Map