
Residents take a survey at a festival.
Residents give feedback about how to plan for growth in Wake County

Wake County Planning provides public planning services to the areas in Wake County lying outside the municipalities' planning jurisdictions, and provides planning, advisory and technical assistance to local jurisdictions, community groups and other organizations.

Social Equity Atlas

Community planning provides a path forward and a way to respond to calls for social equity with proportional levels of policy change. The Equity Atlas provides tools for policy makers and leaders to analyze challenges at the small geographic level as we work to create a more inclusive and healthy community.

Planning staff developed tools such as the Social Equity Reference app, which looks at risk factors that can lead to housing and food insecurity, such as age, educational attainment and financial hardship. In order to support the Wake County Food Security Plan “Moving Beyond Hunger,” planning staff developed the Food Security Locator app and other resources.

Census & Demographics

Our staff provide data analysis to other county departments, agencies and partners to support informed planning and resource allocation. The most recently released statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau provide a window into the quality of life and diversity of our residents, the stability of our businesses and the health of our infrastructure.

Valuing History

Wake County values its history. We have programs to preserve districts and landmarks that embody important elements of the county's culture, history, architectural history or prehistory, and to promote the use and conservation of such districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure and enrichment of the residents.

Wake County’s Historic Preservation program is staffed by Capital Area Preservation, Wake County’s primary nonprofit historic preservation organization. To learn more about landmarks, development projects and more resources for owners of historic properties, please visit